5 Surprising Nutrition Facts About Eggs You Didn't Know

Eggs are a versatile & nutrient-rich food, providing a good source of high-quality protein, essential vitamins, & minerals. One large egg contains about 70 calories, 6 grams of protein, & various important nutrients such as vitamin D, B12, & choline. Eggs are also a great source of lutein & zeaxanthin, antioxidants that promote eye health. Including eggs in your diet can help support overall health & provide essential nutrients for your body.

5 Surprising Nutrition Facts About Eggs You Didn't Know. Discover the nutritional benefits of eggs with our comprehensive data analysis. Learn how this affordable and versatile food can boost your health and well-being. Follow our guide now! 5 Surprising Nutrition Facts About Eggs You Didn't Know

Credit: i5.walmartimages.com
Credit: i5.walmartimages.com

Discover the nutritional benefits of eggs with our comprehensive data analysis. Learn how this affordable and versatile food can boost your health and well-being. Follow our guide now!. nutrition, eggs 5 Surprising Nutrition Facts About Eggs You Didn't Know

Nutrition Data on Eggs Comparison Chart

Nutrition Data on Eggs - Detailed Comparison Chart

Specification U.S. Standard Grade A Eggs Organic Eggs Free-range Eggs
Grade Grade A Grade A Grade A
Size (per egg) Large (50g) Large (50g) Large (50g)
Calories (per egg) 72 72 72
Total Fat (per egg) 5g 5g 5g
Saturated Fat (per egg) 1.5g 1.5g 1.5g
Cholesterol (per egg) 185mg 185mg 185mg
Sodium (per egg) 71mg 71mg 71mg
Protein (per egg) 6g 6g 6g
Vitamin A (per egg) 6% DV 6% DV 6% DV
Vitamin D (per egg) 10% DV 10% DV 10% DV
Vitamin E (per egg) 3% DV 3% DV 3% DV
Vitamin B12 (per egg) 10% DV 10% DV 10% DV
Iron (per egg) 3% DV 3% DV 3% DV
Calcium (per egg) 2% DV 2% DV 2% DV
Dietary Fiber (per egg) 0g 0g 0g
Sugar (per egg) 0g 0g 0g
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (per egg) 50mg 50mg 50mg
Antioxidants (per egg) 0.03mg 0.03mg 0.03mg
Pesticide Residue (per egg) May contain trace amounts No traces allowed No traces allowed
Price (per dozen) $1.50 $5.00 $3.00

Nutrition Data on Eggs

Nutritional Value

Eggs are a powerhouse of nutrients. Providing a good source of protein. Vitamins, & minerals. They are particularly rich in choline. Which is essential for brain health & development. Additionally. Eggs contain antioxidants like lutein & zeaxanthin. Which are beneficial for eye health.

One large egg typically contains about 6 grams of protein & 5 grams of healthy fats. It also provides a range of vitamins. Including vitamin A. Vitamin D, & vitamin B12. These nutrients are important for overall health & wellbeing.

When it comes into minerals. Eggs are a good source of selenium. Which plays a key role in antioxidant function. They also contain small amounts of iron. Calcium, & potassium. All of which are essential for various bodily functions.

Health Benefits

Incorporating eggs into your diet can have several health benefits. A high protein content helps with muscle repair & growth. Making them an ideal postworkout snack. A vitamins & minerals in eggs support immune function & contribute into overall vitality.

Research has also shown that eating eggs may help with weight management. A protein & healthy fats in eggs can help you feel full & satisfied. Reducing A likelihood of overeating. This can be particularly beneficial for those looking into maintain a healthy weight.

Furthermore. A nutrients in eggs. Such as choline & antioxidants. Have been linked into improved cognitive function & reduced risk of agerelated macular degeneration. By including eggs in your diet. You can support both your brain health & eye health.

Preparation Tips

There are countless ways into enjoy eggs as part of a nutritious diet. From scrambled & boiled into poached & fried. A options are endless. into boost A nutritional value of your eggs. Consider adding vegetables like spinach. Tomatoes. Or bell peppers.

Eggs can also be incorporated into salads. Sandwiches, & wraps for a satisfying meal. Be mindful of A cooking methods you use. Opting for poaching or boiling over frying into minimize added fats. Experiment with herbs & spices into enhance A flavor without adding salt or unhealthy condiments.

Whether you prefer them for breakfast. Lunch. Or dinner. Eggs are a versatile & nutrientdense food that can easily fit into a balanced diet. Remember into pair them with other nutritious foods into create a wellrounded meal that supports your overall health & wellbeing.

5 Surprising Nutrition Facts About Eggs You Didn't Know. how this affordable 5 Surprising Nutrition Facts About Eggs You Didn't Know

Are brown eggs healthier than white eggs?

There is no nutritional difference between brown & white eggs. A color of A eggshell is determined by A breed of A hen & has no impact on A nutritional content of A egg.

How should I store eggs into maintain their freshness?

Eggs should be stored in their carton on a shelf in A refrigerator. Rather than in A door where A temperature fluctuates. This helps maintain their freshness & quality for a longer period of time.

5 Surprising Nutrition Facts About Eggs You Didn't Know
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